Program, Weight and Talk

No. 18    Monday 17 October 2011
I think I have discovered what I have been doing wrong with my word program, in fact it is not so much that I have been doing something wrong but that I'm trying to use it for something it was not intended.  The problems I was having doing my blogs was because it was not designed for blogs, so I have decided to use Microsoft Word instead and copy the blog across when I have finished.  As this is the first blog I have done this with, I confidently expect to have problems when I do the copying.

My weight reduction programme, which I have mentioned in previous blogs, is still proving successful.  I don't know how much longer it will continue but the gradual decline in my weight is still showing on my regular Monday morning weight checks.  This morning I found that I have lost a total of 4.5 kg (almost 10 lbs.) since I started.  It hasn't had any effect on the way I feel (as far as I can tell) so I will carry on with the process for a bit longer.  One complication is that one of my tablets has to be taken with or after eating, and my eating schedule is very variable.  The way I get round this problem at the moment is to have it after lunch and tea which are normally, roughly, at about the usual times, but to have something to eat before I take the morning and evening tablets.  After a little while of doing this I decided that what I was having depended on the bulk rather than the calories of it.  I therefore look out for lowish calorie things which will provide the bulk, which seems to be working because it has not affected my weight reduction.

The planned talk “Humour on Record” which I mentioned in blog No. 15 has now been completed and I will be giving it in just over a week's time.  To keep the talk to a normal length (roughly 1 hour plus) I have had to miss out quite a few that I had intended using - the only consolation is that I can now save those for another talk sometime in the (probably distant) future.  I have kept a mixture of artists and types of song, except that I have two by Stanley Holloway and two by Flanders and Swann.  In both cases the songs I have chosen are particular examples which I can use to show similarities or differences. The Stanley Holloway ones are ‘The Lion and Albert’ followed by its sequel (which he recorded two years later) and the Flanders and Swann two are about animals, ‘The Ostrich’, and about people, ‘The Gasman cometh’.
Just coming up to teatime and I have checked the TV guide on the Internet for my two hours of watching after the news.  So that I can get my tea ready before the news comes on I had better stop boring you with my ramblings.  Incidentally, the copying works without too much difficulty!!

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