
No 28    Sunday 6 May 2012

With my last blog I must have been a little premature because for the last week I have been significantly unwell. I suspect that some of this is due to the side-effects of an antibiotic which was prescribed for me and, fortunately, I take the last dose on Monday morning. I won't bother you with the peculiarities of what laid me low because I seem to spend too much time detailing my troubles.

This is not the place for politics so, apart from saying I didn't vote for any of the major parties, I will merely mention that it is nice and convenient for me to be able to vote by post. The ballot paper arrives in plenty of time, and usually I am able to get my vote in before I start getting paperwork from the various political parties - only three of the five candidates in this ward even bothered to send anything. Needless to say the guy I voted for was not elected!!

With the World Snooker Championships on I have been watching rather more television than is good for me. I do not normally watch sporting programmes apart from occasional car racing, but with snooker it is slow enough for the speed at which I can think comfortably. I cannot understand why people get all worked up about football, rugby, tennis, etc. But then I have not been interested in any of them anyway which presumably explains my lack of understanding. I even got through my Air Force career doing nothing more energetic than smallbore rifle shooting, acting as scorer at a cricket match and playing three games of badminton which I couldn't talk my way out of.

I have decided to have solar panels fitted on the roof of the bungalow. One of the agents who came to give me a free survey told me that my roof was almost ideally positioned - at just the right angle and not far off facing south. I have had three surveys done and am still trying to decide between two of them - there seems to be little to choose between them in that cost and performance are both pretty similar. It looks as though it is going to be down to whether I want Japanese or American or German panels.

Flanders and Swann certainly knew what they were making fun of when it came to their Song of the Weather - the verses for April and May seem to fit what we've had this year;

April brings the sweet spring showers,
    on and on for hours and hours
Farmers fear a kindly May,
    frost by night and hail by day.

I will give your eyes a rest now and pack up for this issue - hopefully there won't be such a long gap until the next one.


1 comment:

  1. Hi Mike,

    Sorry to hear you've been in the wars again, I'll keep my fingers crossed that everything gets better once you're off those antibiotics.

    All the best,

