The New Year hasn't started well, I caught a bug which involved a week of antibiotics, and with my usual luck the antibiotic didn't entirely agree with me. However, I have now mostly recovered and have found that this session of being unwell caused me to lose a bit more weight and bring it down to my target. I can now relax just a little because I have succeeded in losing about a stone (7 kg). The target I set was based on the advice a surgery nurse gave me some time ago. She said that for my age and build I should be around 86 kg but that anything under 90 kg would be okay. I have succeeded in coming down from 93.4 kg to 86.5 kg without too much effort.
The company I mentioned in my last blog, who had got their deliveries a little bit wrong, have, after prompting, apologised for getting things wrong and will be sending me a gift card - which may or may not turn up!! The one thing this apology does is that it allows me to occasionally shop from them, which I prefer because of the high quality of some of their goods. This little incident proves to me my point that if I carry on pursuing a complaint something will happen - eventually.
Since being unwell I have had another session of not playing my early morning music but I think that will restart tomorrow. I don't know why this is because music, as you have probably gathered, is a large part of my life. Sometime this year I intend trying to get some of my vinyl records converted to CD. I say ‘some’ because I have a collection of about 800, and apart from the ones which have been reproduced on CD anyway I will need to be a little bit more discerning about what I collect. The main reason for the editing is that I will run out of space to store the new CDs as I am already up to the limit in my built-in cupboard.
This new system used by the banks for transferring money is quite remarkable. I wanted to make a transfer to the older of my two sons, Bill, so he sent me details of his account number and sort code. On receipt I went into the website of the bank with which I deal and organised the transfer. I then phoned him to tell him that I had made the transfer and he called me back a couple of minutes later to say it was in his account. Three cheers for modern technology!!
Some time ago I mentioned that I had taken advantage of a special offer on washing-up liquid, getting three for the price of one. I have just started the second of the three so I'm fairly sure that the estimate of them lasting until Easter (which I made originally) was possibly an under estimate! I quite like the special offers which save me bits of money - but of course I am not always able to take advantage of them due to the quantities involved. I have one minor complaint about supermarkets, and I think this applies to all of them, they occasionally rearrange their shelves (or partly do so) and things are not where I expect to find them. Normally my trip to the supermarket takes me about half an hour inside, as long as I don't have to search for something which has been repositioned.
In about 20 minutes someone will be coming to check a minor problem I have with my hearing aids so I'd better shut up and get this on the web for you.
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